The First (Reusable) Home Beete give-a-way!


Photo courtesy of 3b Web site

So there I am at the Farmer’s Market, feeling all superior because I’ve got reusable carrying bags up the wazoo. (And you know how I LOVE to feel superior!) But then I’m knocked right back down to earth, when I realize that I’m stuffing my reusable carrying bags with plastic bags filled with assorted pounds of string beans and other veggies that don’t come in those sweet little wooden crates that you give back to the nice farmers after purchase. Sigh.

Lucky for me, I just found out about 3B bags on Daily Candy. I’m going to order myself a set this weekend—and how’s this? If you’re the first person to send me a pic of yourself at the farmer’s market, and a copy of the recipe you’re making from your yummy market picks, and a photo of the resulting dish, I’ll order you a set of the groovy bags too. (And yes, the subtext is that the bags will be your reward for basically ghostwriting a future post for The Home Beete!) You can send entries to thehomebeete[at]

p.s. For those of you who don’t have a farmer’s market near you–I will accept farm stands or flea markets or neighborhood coops, or basically anything that’s not the usually big box supermarket.

Posted on August 29, 2009, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. 3 Comments.

  1. yay food-related post! coolio contest. I posted a link on my edible crafts column ( to spread the word.

  2. We are a family who eats tons of fruits – these extra large bags would be awesome!

  3. ahhh you apporach the divine dear one, just enjoyed my coffee and a read of your fab blog… going back quite a bit. We do still have more than I knew in common…from pottery rescues to the farm chicks, but just so you should know, I really want to give you my share of green beans for this lifetime. xxoo

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